Showing posts with label Challenge Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenge Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



We all know the story. Two ill-fated lovers. A blood feud between two families. A sad tale of passion, violence, and death. With our Dark Romeo and Juliet Theme in mind, create your own version of their love and death in your artwork for the challenge this week. 

Go see the Dark Romeo and Juliet Page I created of Free Images and you will find a whole set of images that are from the Gecko Galz Challenge Blog. You may use them in your artwork for the challenge. I love these Rennaissance Images and thought they were perfect for our theme this week. A Big Thank you goes out to the Gecko Galz for allowing me to use these images!!

Here is my Tale of Woe, 
A story of Juliet and her Romeo

***Sorry I was late posting the Challenge but I
have been working a lot of long hours this past week and this week.***

Digital art created from Gecko Galz Free Images, Gecko Galz Illuminating ATC Sheet and Beautiful Darkness Collage Sheet, Pixabay, and Miriam's Digital Kit Scraps