Showing posts with label Theme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theme. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025


What is so dark and scary about Clowns?
Is it the make-up? The malicious grin?  The sinister way they look at you? 
I don't know but this challenge was a bit scary to create artwork for!! I even got a chill or two as I was creating my own Freaky Circus Clowns artwork!!

I believe these quotes will answer the question from the famous and scariest clown we all know, PENNYWISE,
from Stephen King's novel and the movie, "IT"!!!!


Well, after reading that, is it any wonder we have a secret fear of clowns? 
So try, without fear, to create your dark and Freaky Circus Clowns this week! 
Try not to scare yourself in the process!!!

I have posted a page with some Freaky Clown images as well as some not so dark circus images for those who want to keep it light for you to use in your artwork! Let your dark imagination be your guide this week! 

Here is my Freaky Circus Clowns:

Digital art created from images from Pixabay, Adobe Photoshop Borders, and the Facebook Group Free AI Images

Thursday, March 20, 2025


The Theme this Week is Black Birdcage??? 

Yes, Black Birdcage. 

This week we will illustrate a dark story with our dark art creations. I posted images and photos of different birdcages for you to use in your artwork. Maybe, you have your own demented, dark images to create your art piece with so use those and also use your dark imagination as well!  Use images of blackbirds, crows, and ravens to give your art that 


Tell a dark, mysterious story about your birdcage and your birds. What about the dark birdcages they live in? Why must they be caged? Are these birds treacherous, evil, or just mischievous?  And what of their Masters? Are they the same? What melancholy songs do your dark birds sing at night when all is still and quiet? Do you hear their eerie, foreboding notes sung in the shadows of darkness? 

I cannot wait to see what you will create!!!

I apologize for posting so late in the week, but I moved and ran out of time with all of the unpacking and settling into my new home! This Theme will run until March 25th and then we will have our last theme for March on the 26th and then go back to our regular scheduled themes.

Here is my Dark, Black Birdcage Story:

Digital art created from Conjurer Of Dreams Victorian Madame AI Art Digital Download, Friday Designs Digital Kit 85 People, Miriam's Digital Kit Scraps, and Pixabay

Monday, March 10, 2025


On Friday, March 14th, we will witness a total Lunar Eclipse, a Blood Moon. At 2:30 am, EST, the Blood Moon will be at its peak so wherever you are at that time, if you are awake, you will see the moon turn blood-red in all its glory. 

A Blood Moon is a captivating celestial event that occurs when the Earth casts its shadow on the moon, causing it to take on a reddish hue. The alignment of the Earth, Moon, and the Sun creates a very powerful energy portal, opening the door to inner reflection and spiritual awakening. 

The mystical Blood Moon invites us to explore the inner depths of our soul and to embrace the profound mysteries of the universe. Many see this eclipse as an opportunity for inner reflection and personal growth. As the moon casts its ethereal glow, it creates an atmosphere that is conducive to introspection and self-discovery. As we reflect upon our lives and make the connection with the Divine Force, we are reminded that there is something out there much bigger and more omnipotent than ourselves!

Astrologically, a Blood Moon image is of superstition and doomsday warnings but really there is nothing to fear. The energy of this Blood Moon brings a powerful significance for great change.  It's timing in March, astrologically speaking, will mean to de-clutter your life physically and emotionally. 

Full moons are all about endings and beginnings, so consider this transit to get rid of the things in your life that are not working and embrace the things that are working. Know what to let go of and what to keep!

So, what will you be meditating upon during the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse? What symbolism are you reminded of when you think of a Blood Moon? What does this Blood Moon signify to you? Incorporate those thoughts in your artwork for the challenge this week! Bring out the moon's allure and energy in all of its mystical, celestial wonder!

I can't wait to see what you will create!

Here is my Mystical Blood Moon Creations:

Digital art created from Pixabay, Miriam's Digital Kit Scraps, Gecko Galz Digital Collage Sheet Garden Of Dreams, and KatePrintableArt Digital Kit Dreamy Skies

Monday, March 3, 2025


A little girl in red and a hungry, ferocious wolf! According to the Fairy Tale the wolf did indeed eat the Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood! But I thought in the version I read as a child the huntsman took an ax and cut open the wolf and saved the Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood! Either way it is read or written, the story's subject matter is pretty gorey stuff, huh?

I have posted two pages for you this week. One of the Fairy Tale of Little Riding Hood and the other with illustrations of Little Red Riding Hood. Now it is up to you to create an art piece of this story! Use your Dark Imagination to create your own Fairy Tale of Little Red Riding Hood! Cannot wait to see what you will come up with! 

Here is my version of Little Red Riding Hood:

Digital art created from Pixabay, Arthouse Whimsy Whimsical Renaissance Digital Kit and Digital Kit Grunge Papers

Monday, February 24, 2025



Since I was a child, this has to be one of my favorite shows. Every evening after school, I watched the re-runs and never missed an episode. This show probably sparked my interest in all things dark, spooky, and mysterious! Who could forget the famous the famous Theme Song?

They're creepy and they're kooky,
mysterious and spooky,
they're altogether ooky,
The Addams Family.
Their house is a museum
 when people come to see 'em 
They really are a scream 
The Addams Family.
So get a witch's shawl on
a broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family

So to start out this week's Theme, we are going to create a special Valantine to honor our favorite Dark Couple, Gomez and Morticia Addams! 
What a passionate, romantic relationship they had.  Morticia's pet name for Gomaz was, "Bubeleh". Gomez's pet name for Morticia was "Cara Mia". And when Morticia spoke French? She drove Gomez wild! Just one word of French and he would drop everything to rush to her side and start from her wrist, kissing up her arm to her shoulder!
"Tish", he would croon, I love it when you speak French"!

I have posted a Page with images of Morticia and Gomez and plenty of embellishments and backgrounds to make your Valentine complete!

Here is my Tribute to my Favorite Dark Couple:

Digital art created from Pixabay, Images from Pinterest, Miriam's Digital Kit Scrap, and The Digi Rainbow Grunge Papers

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



We all know the story. Two ill-fated lovers. A blood feud between two families. A sad tale of passion, violence, and death. With our Dark Romeo and Juliet Theme in mind, create your own version of their love and death in your artwork for the challenge this week. 

Go see the Dark Romeo and Juliet Page I created of Free Images and you will find a whole set of images that are from the Gecko Galz Challenge Blog. You may use them in your artwork for the challenge. I love these Rennaissance Images and thought they were perfect for our theme this week. A Big Thank you goes out to the Gecko Galz for allowing me to use these images!!

Here is my Tale of Woe, 
A story of Juliet and her Romeo

***Sorry I was late posting the Challenge but I
have been working a lot of long hours this past week and this week.***

Digital art created from Gecko Galz Free Images, Gecko Galz Illuminating ATC Sheet and Beautiful Darkness Collage Sheet, Pixabay, and Miriam's Digital Kit Scraps

Monday, February 10, 2025


 The theme this week is to create          a Dark, Gothic Valentine.  

Tattered lace, skulls, dark couples, bleeding hearts. Use your dark imagination to create your own Dark Valentine.

Here are my dark creations:

I can't wait to see what you will create. 

For something special to create your art with, visit Gecko Galz and click on the button Free Images and you will find their dark gothic collage sheets that fit this theme perfectly. Look for Gothic Love and Gothic Masquerade Collage Sheets.

Digital art created with Gecko Galz Gothic Love, Gothic Beauty Tin Toppers, and Tea At The Ritz Collage Sheets, Miriam's Digital Kit Scraps, and Pixabay.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


February is the Month of Valentines, Candy, Roses, and LOVE!

Here at My Soul's Dark Imagination, we are not creating Sweet Valentines with lace, nor red hearts, no chubby little cherubs or cupids with their arrows of love! No, nothing like that! Quite the opposite! With a dark imagination comes dark creations so this month we are going to have Themes of Tainted Love, Unrequited Love, Jilted Love, and Broken Hearts.

 Oh, the Misery of Love!
John Lennon said, "All you need is love."
 And he was right! Love is great when it is good but horrible when it is bad. Love can make you miserable. Miserable indeed from love that is never reciprocated or acknowledged. Haven't we all been there? Everyone has, at least once in their life, suffered a broken heart.

So, with this in mind, incorporate your feelings of Tainted Love in your artwork for the Challenge this week. Invoke the Sorrow and Woe of broken hearts into your artwork!  
"Alas, it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

Here are my Tainted Love Creations!

Monday, January 27, 2025



I did not know much about Dali until this challenge but researching his life and his artwork helped me separate the artist from the absurd man behind the bizarre madness of his work. I learned who the artist really was and what seemed like bizarre turned out to be nothing but dreams and visions!  

So many times we judge the artist without knowing who or what or where their divine inspiration comes from where it ends up on the canvas. Knowing the artist for who they truly are helps one understand the desires and motives behind the art and its meaning. 

Yes, he was eccentric, extremely eccentric, pushing the envelope further than any other artist, crossing boundaries that no other artist at this time had crossed. He was renowned for his crazy antics and ostentatious behavior.  

The Art Director of one of the Museums where Dali had an exhibition once said, " Dali's conduct may have been undignified but the greater part of his art is a matter of dead earnest". 

If people did not care for his public displays of madness, they did, however, care about what he put on canvas. So much so that his crazy "clownishness" was almost ignored.

"Each morning when I awake, I experience again the supreme pleasure, that of being Salvador Dali."

He had no care for a professional reputation or what anyone, including the critics, thought of him and his work.  He lived his life bold and daring, painting whatever he pleased with no worries of criticism or doubts that his work was not good enough for the public. 

He found life as an adventure, to be studied and explored, with no rules or limitations to his lifestyle, his imagination, or his style of painting.

 Even his famous mustache became an iconic symbol as to who Dali was in personality and character. 

Dali once said, "The only difference between me and a madman is I am not mad."

He was known as a Surrealist Painter and his paintings were mixed with surreal images along with the style of Classicism, and Cubism. He was also heavily influenced by the modern advancements of science, calling his work, Nuclear Fusion mixed with Geometry. He used the influence of Sigmond Freud and his famous psychoanalysis theories tp incorporate his dreams and subconscious thoughts into his artwork. This would explain the bizarre images he used in his work.  These images were also used as symbols of the subject in Dali's paintings. This led to many different interpretations of his work by critics but only Dali knew what their meaning was. He once said that the bizarre images he used in his paintings were of "dreams and nightmares".

He said this about his work, "The secret of my influence has always been that it remain secret." Dali wanted his motives for painting the bizarre images in his art to be his own secret. A mystery. His own mystery. The secret he had only to himself...the artist.

"Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings."

"A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others."

"Surrealism is not a movement. It is a latent state of mind perceivable through the powers of dream and nightmare.

Another famous quote of Dali's as he tried to explain his incongruous style of living and the bizarre images of his paintings, 

"I am not on drugs. I am a drug!"

"Take me, I am the drug, take me, I am hallucinogenic."

It has been said that Dali was the greatest painter of Surrealism in his time. He was a huge success and widely accepted in the art world. His flamboyant personality drew people to him as they were equally fascinated by the mystery of his "strange" artwork.  I do not think any one person ever really knew or saw inside Dali's mind or his imagination nor could completely understand the motives behind his work. That he reserved only for himself to know. Dali enjoyed the mystery that surrounded his work but his real delight came from the repugnance of his art to certain people and what kind of reaction it evoked. 

He said this of his childhood, "At the age of six, I wanted to be a cook. At the age of seven, I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since".

Something very sad that I found out about the artist is that there have been allegations that when Dali became ill and was dying, he was forced by his guardians to sign blank canvases that could later be used in forgeries.  As a result of those allegations, art dealers tend to be wary of the later works of Dali.

He once said, as his life was coming to a close, "When you are a genius, you do not have the right to die because we are necessary for the progress of man."

After many health complications. Salvador Dali passed away in 1989. He was 85 years old. His great artistic contributions to Surrealism influenced and inspired many artists who came into the art world after him. Because of Dali's daring spirit, they had the courage to also paint their "dreams and nightmares" and became a Surrealistic Success in today's art world.  

"Life is too short to remain unnoticed."

This is our last Challenge for the Theme of Surreal, Abstract Painters for this month. Your challenge is to bring out the Dali in your artwork! Think bold and daring and toss your inhibitions to the wind! And if you need further inspiration...grow a long, skinny MUSTACHE!

I also posted a page with more of Dali's artwork for you to see! Check it out!!

I cannot wait to see what you will come up with! 

Here Is Mine:

Digital art created from a background from Pixabay, Itkupilli's Digital Kit Steampunk Fantasy,  and Miriam's Digital Kit Scraps